Creating Business Through Circular Design Workshop

“Creating Business Through Circular Design” was held on the 16th of November in collaboration with CIRCO and The Government of Netherlands, which is a pioneer in the field of circular economy.

The Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands, organized a series of design events in Istanbul, presented as ‘Co-Design’ between 20 September- 20 November under the theme of “Designing Our Livable Cities Together". Within the program, a special workshop was organized by CIRCO for BCSD Turkey and TMM members.

The workshop was held in Palais de Hollande with the participation of The Consul General of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Bart van Bolhuis, BCSD Turkey team, CIRCO experts and TMM members.


CIRCO is a Dutch circular design program, helping companies to take the first step in the process for circular business.

CIRCO, is supported by the Government of Netherlands, providing circular design training programs to create circular products, services and business models for companies.

Participants from Turkey’s leading companies had the opportunity to learn the pressure cooker version of the “Creating Business Through Circular Design” methodology by the experienced instructors of CIRCO.

Some of the issues covered during the workshop were the role of product design in circular economy, how important it is and how it provides circularity in business. All participants had an opportunity to experience the required steps to apply CIRCO’s circular economy business models and design strategies for their own businesses and understand their role in the circular economy by practicing a re-design process of a product.

We would like to thank all TMM members who participated in this special event which is a rather short version of the original 3-day CIRCO methodology workshop.