Turkey Circular Economy Platform, which is developed in collaboration with BCSD Turkey and EBRD, organized the second of its Sectoral Meetings on “Circular Economy Opportunities in Plastics Industry” on 16 October 2020 with over 100 participants from across the value chain.

Starting with BCSD Manager Münevver Bayhan’s opening speech, the event continued with the presentation of WBCSD Plastics and Packaging Director John Revess, in which he informed participants about circular economy and circular plastics. He emphasized the fact that today 260 million tons of plastic waste are created and the vast majority of them are not recycled. Then he provided information on emerging trends and opportunities around circular plastics. He pointed out that the COVID-19 has increased our reliance on single-use plastics for safety and hygienic purposes, but the same reasons have led to an increase of these waste being mismanaged worldwide. Reeves highlighted the circular economy opportunities and emerging trends around circular plastics for businesses and informed participant about how global companies have started their journey towards packaging circularity and how they are driving the change. He concluded his speech by sharing information on the bussinesses that are committing to 100% recyclable/reusable packaging by 2025-2030, a number of initiatives on plastics and global companies’ best practices.

The event continued with the discussion of Plastic Recycling Applications and Related Technologies in Turkey by Prof. Mehmet Atilla Taşdelen from Yalova University. Prof. Taşdelen informed the participants about Waste Management Legislation in Turkey and its recycling targets.

Following Prof. Taşdelen, BCSD Turkey Project Consultant Ferda Ulutaş İşevi provided information about The Turkey Circular Economy Platform and its sectoral approaches. Stating that there are more than 50 companies in the plastic value chain on the platform, İşevi shared the plastics industry examples, which are among the 16 applications and synergies pursued and monitored through the platform so far. After İşevi, BCSD Turkey Specialist Melis Cengizhan touched upon the work of platform members that are contributing to the circular economy in plastics.

In the last part of the event, BCSD Turkey Senior Specialist Şeyda Dağdeviren Hill gave information about The Corporate Plastics Initiative (İPG) which was founded in collaboration with TÜSIAD, Global Compact Turkey and BCSD Turkey to guide companies in tackling plastic pollution. She concluded her speech by introducing the İPG Tool, which supports companies with their effort to provide commitments for İPG.