EUR 200.000 is available for The Circular Vouchers 2.0 covering up to 8 vouchers!

With an expansion in scope of the on-going Circular Vouchers scheme, The Circular Vouchers 2.0 aims to provide technical assistance up to 8 member companies of the TMM platform for up to EUR 75.000 per Voucher. This will enable to provide technical assistance for an expanded scope of work and access international technical expertise.

In addition to the already available assessment of the techno-economic feasibility of circular economy projects;

  • Assessment of the credit worthiness of circular projects and circular companies
  • Coaching of local companies by international companies which are advanced in their circular practices,
  • Capacity building within the companies and training of the technical staff on operationalizing circular economy
  • Incorporating circularity into companies' corporate strategy/governance

The budget of each voucher will be capped at EUR 75.000. The budget of each voucher will be capped at EUR 30.000. At least 10% contribution on the cost of consultancy services will be sought from the companies.

Download Presentation & Application Form

The result of the studies that will be conducted for the awarded companies will help identifying underutilised materials, converting them into by-products or alternative raw materials, and assess the necessary investments to include those material flows in the production processes.

For more information and application,
please contact